Modern Slavery Act

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement pursuant to section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015


At Chantecaille UK Ltd. (“Chantecaille UK” or “we”) we want to play an active role in making positive contributions to society. Chantecaille UK acknowledges that as being part of a global corporate organisation it has a responsibility to address, and seek to eliminate, the risk of slavery and human trafficking in its operations, in line with the principles contained in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

In this statement, we set out Chantecaille UK’s commitment to taking steps to identify and eradicate slavery and human trafficking from its business and from its supply chains. We do not tolerate slavery and human trafficking within the supply chain or within any part of our business.

As required by the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement reports on the steps Chantecaille UK and the group have taken in this regard during the financial year ended 31 December 2024.

Structure and Supply Chains

Chantecaille UK, based in London, as part of the Chantecaille Group is also part of the Beiersdorf Group, a global leader in the consumer goods industry. Chantecaille UK’s principal activity is sales, marketing and distribution of luxury cosmetic products under the CHANTECAILLE brand. Information about Chantecaille and its core values can
be found on its corporate website . An overview of where Chantecaille UK fits within the Beiersdorf group and information on Beiersdorf’s business can be found on its homepage.

Regarding Chantecaille finished products, supply chain processes take place predominantly within Europe.

Driving Sustainability through Cooperation and Transparency

Chantecaille seeks and promotes long-term business relationships with suppliers who are actively committed to our principles of sustainable and responsible corporate governance. We source raw materials, packaging materials, and other goods and services from around 500 suppliers in over 30 countries.

We require our business partners throughout the supply chain to commit to meeting our standards – not only in terms of the material and product quality we require, but also with regard to conducting their business in a transparent, fair, and responsible way. We assess that our suppliers meet their social, environmental, and economic responsibilities –and ensure that our consumers receive innovative, high-quality products.

Our Codes of Conduct for Business Partners and Employees and Compliance Program

We require both our employees and our business partners to uphold and promote human rights. All Chantecaille UK employees are provided with a Code of Conduct for Employees. In addition, all the employees are trained on the Code of Conduct for Employees. The Code of Conduct for Employees is designed to help employees
understand the company’s principles and act in accordance with them. Diversity and equal opportunities are an essential part of the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct also clearly states that Chantecaille UK does not support or tolerate slave labour, child labour or human trafficking. Chantecaille UK also stands for fair working conditions and promotes physical and mental health and safety at work.

We require our partners along the supply chain to adhere to our Code of Conduct (CoC). The CoC obliges our suppliers to comply with the same high standards as our parent company and subsidiaries in all production facilities and processes. The CoC for Business Partners defines uniform and binding criteria for responsible
business conduct. It regulates critical aspects such as the prohibition of corruption, child labour, forced labour, and discrimination; at the same time it actively promotes occupational health and safety, the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, and environmental protection.

Our CoC for Business Partners is based on the principles outlined under the UN‘s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the principles of the UN Global Compact, and the general principles pertaining to Anti-Corruption and Competition Laws.

Code of Conduct for Business Partners and risk assessment

Signed recognition of the CoC is the first crucial step in ensuring that Chantecaille UK’s suppliers adopt and implement similar standards of excellence and responsibility.

In addition, we also conduct an initial risk analysis of our relationship with our Business Partners The risk analysis considers industry risks, country risks and individual risks of the supplier, such as the economic significance to Chantecaille. The higher the risk, the more extensive our analysis. Additionally, we require our business partners above a certain risk class to conduct an assessment via the international collaboration platforms Sedex or EcoVadis. The Sedex platform enables suppliers to provide their customers with the most important data concerning their sustainability approach and processes and assesses Business Partners based on information from reliable sources, such as international organisations.

Thanks to the high level of transparency this ensures, together with the supplier we can identify critical aspects or processes and jointly improve sustainability within the framework of our cooperation.

Based on the results we then decide whether a Responsible Sourcing Audit according to the SMETA 4-pillar audit protocol is required for the supplier. To ensure the objectivity of the investigation, the audit is carried out by an independent and certified third-party specialist. If the audit reveals a need for remediation, we would actively support the business partner in defining and rapidly implementing appropriate measures.

Supply Chain Due Diligence Training for Business Partners

In the spirit of partnership, we also offer and encourage our suppliers and business partners to complete an ELearning entitled “Supply Chain Due Diligence Training for Business Partners”. The training includes a comprehensive overview of supply chain due diligence and how to ensure the safeguarding of human rights within their areas of operation. It is broken down into multiple modules and lasts about 45 minutes.

Each module contains key messages about various business-related aspects of human rights, as well as the obligations for companies resulting from related legislation and regulation. Additionally, this training will provide tools and examples of how to incorporate the aforementioned requirements into their organization and supply chain.

Reporting mechanisms

Chantecaille UK provides an opportunity and expects Business Partners and their employees to report any breach of our CoC for Business Partners or the applicable laws related to Chantecaille UK in good time after learning of the breach. This also includes breaches committed by the Business Partner’s subcontractors and suppliers along the supply chain. Such reports can be made as follows:

• by contacting the Business Partner’s primary contact at Chantecaille UK
• via e-mail ( or
• anonymously over the Beiersdorf incident reporting platform Speak up. We care

This statement was approved by the Board of Directors of Chantecaille UK on the 25 January 2025. It is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Chantecaille UK’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ended 31 December 2024.
UK Modern Slavery Statement