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Behind the cause
For every recorded shark attack, humans have killed more than 4 million sharks. Instead of us being scared of sharks we should be scared for them. As the reigning rulers of our oceans for over 400 million years, sharks have always played a vital role in regulating and maintaining the health of our marine ecosystems. Sadly, in the past 40 years several shark species have been decimated by 95%, the main reason being Asia’s rapidly expanding and largely unregulated shark fin trade. Fueled by an insatiable demand for shark fin soup, fisherman slaughter up to 73 million sharks annually. Passionately committed to saving our sharks, the BLOOM association has successfully orchestrated a top-level ban on all Hong Kong Luxury Hotels from serving shark fin soup.
To learn more about the ban on shark finning and the BLOOM Association, visit bloomassociation.org
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